Exploration of The MIND

A journey of discovery

Life is what you make it?

I have been so busy lately trying to get my business up and running and trying to maintain my blogs, and then just everyday life – my son etc, It has led me to thinking a lot about life. There are so many possibilities available to you, it’s just about recognizing them and embracing them. I can now see that I was the blockage to my own happiness. I spent years dwelling on what was surrounding me – no job, no money, bills everywhere. I couldn’t see anything else, i was sinking…in a pit of despair to be honest. When things only seemed to be getting worse i realised that only i could bring myself out of the current situation. So i climbed out of it and never looked back, i realised that there are an endless amount of opportunities out there i just had to get out there and go and grab myself some of them. And since doing so things have changed dramatically. I realised i had to change my mindset. My opinion of myself was extremely low and i had no faith in the beauty of life. I now understand the true meaning behind the saying “Life is what you make it”. If you sit on your Tod doing nothing, thinking your nothing and that you don’t deserve nothing, then that’s exactly what life is going to bring you – Nothing. You have to really get out there and find opportunities where you didn’t think they lay, you have to have complete and utter faith in life,God and yourself. And even though the time may arise when it seems like things are going a little down hill you cannot allow it to change your mindset,always remember that you can turn things around.
Why is it that we don’t always welcome what is available to us? Why is it we don’t always realise were blocking what we want from reaching us? This evening i was having a discussion with my partner and he told me that in every situation – with every change always stands the question, what if? He seemed to think this is perfectly normal and that probably almost everyone does the same thing. Although it probably is true that a lot of people always ponder over the same thing and that to some degree it is normal, but i strongly disagree that it’s normal in the sense that it’s OK. I used to do the same thing don’t get me wrong, but you can’t hold a question mark over everything because this creates doubt, it doesn’t make room for certainty. Which is why i no longer do this, i cannot afford to spend time paying attention to this when life has so much to offer. I believe you should fully embrace life and all it has to offer. Always remember that your life is in your hands and the that the final road is always your choice. Sometimes you may get slightly jolted off track but there will always be a reason for this which will usually in some way go in your favour, although you may not realise this straight away if at all. But your final destination will always be your own creation. Hold on to what it is that you want see only that and believe in nothing else but that, that way there is never any room for what if.

When you clearly start to see the beauty of life that beauty will start raining down on your life!

March 18, 2009 Posted by | Life, Personal stuff, Uncategorized | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Two halves of a different kind



Twisted excursions of the mind
Denote something of a different kind
A hidden self lost within
Free to roam
Unconscious of sin

How does one escape themselves
When deep within
Lies someone else
A stranger
Yet a part of you
Another being, which makes you two

Behind the dark
I hear your cries
Beyond it all
I hear your call
Torn between my frame of mind
I don’t know where to turn it all

What’s more than lonely
But an empty space
An unknown indifference
Creates a void
As distorted minds
Strive to find
Something of a different kind

Who am I
But not me
Am I you
Is there a we
Maybe to discover you
First I must discover me!

March 15, 2009 Posted by | poetry | , , , , , | 2 Comments