Exploration of The MIND

A journey of discovery

Finding a place called home


So i finally feel like I’ve done it. I can now look all those that judged and criticized me, in the faces and say “Ha, look at me now.” So – called friends, family, my so – called father. Things are going so great it makes me beam with Joy. In the past year a lot has happened some of which you’ll know about, and i just wanna thank all those that doubted me, that did me wrong and those that hated on me. You know why…..? Because you have helped me to release a strength i never knew was there, without all the upheaval over the past year i would not be where i am now. So thanks 🙂
I don’t understand some people. They want to cuss you if your not going anywhere, if your not doing anything with yourself, but then when you are they still want to cuss you. You think your better than them because your doing something with your life, because you have plans, hopes, dreams. If they put that energy that they used to judge and criticize you on themselves, then they too may reach a point where they can be happy with there lives and themselves.

This Saturday i celebrate 5 years with my partner. To some of you that may not seem like anything big but to me that’s huge. There were times that i wondered if we’d get this far and i know a few people that never thought we would and are still hoping that we probably won’t go much further, and to them i politely present my middle finger!
For me, it’s because so much has gone on and it just amazes me that we always manage to come through it. We managed to resolve one issue that seemed to resolve everything and now things feel stronger than ever…..anyway my point here being that, i guess sometimes the test of true love is not always the battles you face but it’s the ones you don’t. It’s the things that go unsaid, the issues you never knew were really there. It’s recognizing them. I was so blinded by issues in front of my eyes that i never actually realised that that was not the root of the problem, it was something i didn’t even notice was there, therefore i couldn’t see it.

Now i feel at peace with everything, with myself, with life, and with my relationship. I know that i will still reach a few more bumps along my journey but i am extremely grateful for the smooth ride now.

February 26, 2009 Posted by | Life, Personal stuff | , , , | Leave a comment